The rewards of membership in our global sisterhood are rich, and the more of us who join the easier it is plan reunions in the future.

1.) Begin by entering your name, and email address. Then create a password.

Begin by entering your name, email and then creating a passcode

2.) Enter your personal identification information. This protects your identity and privacy.

Then complete your profile

3.) Enter your Class Number and Year of Graduation


Enter your class number and graduation year

4.) Click through to the membership level selection and payment gateway. Select the membership level of your choice and complete the payment process.


membership levels including special memberships


5.) If you are an Existing Lifetime Member, or eligible for Special Complimentary Membership, enter your Private Access Code at the top of the page. This is the only way you'll see a special membership level revealed.

Enter the private access code to reveal your special membership level


6.) After selecting your desired membership level from the list by checking the box, scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN to advance through the membership payment gateway.


You're all set! We will review and approve your membership within 48 hours, and request that you confirm your email address and update your profile detail according to your preferences.