As you are aware, the recent developments on the spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) have forced nations, municipalities, and organizations to rethink decisions on gatherings involving large numbers of people. While the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) is providing ongoing, updated information, the situation is so dynamic that each day brings a new development.
The Annual Business Meeting & Luncheon is one of our most cherished traditions. With women across multiple generations traveling by every mode of transportation to reconnect with fellow GHS alumnae, we are compelled to take the highest precaution for the health and welfare of our alumnae body. Therefore, it is necessary to postpone the 131st Annual Business Meeting & Luncheon on April 18, 2020, at the City Avenue Hilton in Philadelphia.
Stay tuned for announcements of plans under development for the Annual Business Meeting, which will be hosted in some form later this year, and updates on the rescheduled Annual Luncheon.
Executive Board Election
The elections will continue as scheduled. Members in good standing will be able to vote via the paper ballot sent through direct mail, and the link to electronic ballot emailed to members. If you are not currently a member, we invite you to join our membership. If you are unsure of your membership status, check and update your profile on our Membership Platform.
Career Day Has Been Cancelled
Thank you for your willingness to share your experiences and time with us. However, due to evolving precautions regarding COVID-19; and in conjunction with the school, we have cancelled Career Day 2020, scheduled Friday, April 17th. We were looking forward to your presentation this year, and hope that you will join us next year.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. We'd also like to thank the countless members of our organization who worked tirelessly to prepare what would have been our best meeting ever.
We encourage you to follow us on social media for timely updates. Please join our Alumnae Association of the Philadelphia High School for Girls Facebook page. Follow us on Instagram @ghsalumnaeassociation, and on Twitter @ghsalumnae.
Azeb Kinder
Azeb Kinder
Alumnae Association of the Philadelphia High School for Girls