We're Extending a Request for Proposal

The Alumnae Association of the Philadelphia High School for Girls invites your participation in an RFP process to select the best partners for our upcoming projects.

Independent Auditor and Nonprofit Lawyer

We represent the 20,000 graduates of the Philadelphia High School for Girls and the 8,000 members of the Alumnae Association of the Philadelphia High School for Girls and we want to ensure our continuing adherence to our Bylaws and Constitution. We have two distinct projects: identifying an Independent Auditor and a Nonprofit Lawyer. We want to begin the process the process by sharing this opportunity with our alumnae network. First preference will be given to a graduate of the Philadelphia High School for Girls.

In Philadelphia - the GHS

All the information related to the RFP's is included in the links below.

The selection process for INDEPENDENT AUDITOR opens January 22, 2024 and will be open for 30 days.



For the NONPROFIT LAWYER, the process also opens January 22, 2024 and closes 60 days later.



Questions and letters of intent can be submitted to ed@ghsalumnae.org.

Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to working with you.